Sequence valve ZSV-BVE

This VdS approved sequence valve is designed for the pressure-dependent control of one SHEVS cylinder with pressurising valve for supplying air to the cylinder while following idle.

In normal position (pressure below 7 bar), the CA outlet has exhausted, allowing the SHEVS cylinder to be pulled along by a ventilation actuator. When the CO2 inlet is charged with a pressure of more than 10 bar, the valve reverses, connecting the CO2 inlet to the CA outlet. After a system exhaust, the valve will automatically reset.

For pipe connection of the valve, two male connectors 1/8″ (e.g. B1-6-1/8) will be required additionally.

The design of the SHEVS may require reliable venting of the piping.

    Technical Data

    • Nominal switching pressure 7 bar (For different switching pressures, please inquire)
    • Maximum operating pressure 60 bar
    • Ambient temperature range: -25 °C to +110 °C
    • Nominal bore (free cross-section)
      • Valve: 0.8 mm
      • Exhaust: 4 mm


    • VdS approval number G 503011



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